Hello everyone! My name is Heather Behrendt and I'm addicted to melting glass. I just can't help it. Creating miniature works of art in glass has become my obsession over the past couple years. Give it a try sometime and you'll see. If you do, be prepared to invest quite a bit of money into your new addiction. It's so worth it though.
I first saw a demonstration of lampworking in my art workshop class in high school. I wish I had started it then, but I was too scared of the torch. It took me a couple years until I randomly purchased a hot head torch, some mapp gas, and a handful of glass. Looking back, lighting a torch with no ventilation or training in the spare room of my apartment probably wasn't very smart of me. My first bead was pea green and lopsided with pointy ends. I'm pretty sure I still have it floating around somewhere.
It's been a couple years since then. I own a house now, so I have proper ventilation and I've upgraded to a minor burner. My beads have improved so much since that first little pea green pebble. What was your first creation in your craft like?